4 Life Lessons I Learned From A QB Coach

A lot of the successes that I’ve experienced in my life have come as a result of athletics. The opportunities that I have been given as a result of athletics have been incredible, and the life lessons I have learned from athletics have been even more valuable. The parallels between…

Too Good At The Wrong Thing

I started talking about this a little bit in my February Learning Inventory, but I really felt like I needed to revisit it here. I’ve said before that I think things tend to come at us in waves. Well, this idea of “Don’t get too good at the wrong thing” is…

Learning Inventory – February 2018

February was a great month, and it seems like it flew by! I learned a lot, and I am excited to share a glimpse of that with you in this month’s learning inventory. I hope you find something here that resonates with you and that leads you to greater learning…