Getting Better at Doing Deep Work

One of the most popular ideas thrown around on the twitterbookagram goes something like this. “We all have the same 86,400 seconds in a day. How are you going to use yours?” I’ve heard/seen/read it a lot, and it makes sense. The idea calls for each of us to “invest”…

Be Interesting AND Educational

Every Sunday night countless podcasts get released so that people all over the world can spend the upcoming week indulging in their favorite shows. That leaves me with a great selection every Monday morning for my drive to work. For the most part, I pretty much listen to the same…

Do Hard Things.

Do hard things. I say it to my son all of the time. “In this family, we do hard things.” He is 7 years old, and I see so much of myself in him. He is already starting to develop the fixed mindset that plagued me for so long. He…